Inner Search and Public Research
To create B-YOU, we started reading available literature at the NIH’s databases, reading research papers about the effects of many vitamins, herbs and aminoacids. Our focus was to find those that had some proven positive effects and/or those with promising results in existing research.
We also read about adverse effects, interactions and recommended usage.
After months of testing on ourselves, we settled on combinations of 3 pillars.
B vitamins, which are very common, and can be found in many existing supplements and energy drinks. B12, for example, is present in most energy drinks and supplements, and is believed to provide energy.
Aminoacids, like acetylcholine, are known to have many types of effects on memory and brain functions. They can be produced by the body, found in some types of foods, and some are also present in other supplements.
Choosing the right herbs was also a challenge. There are so many Chinese, Indian, European, North American and tropical herbs that it is difficult to separate the noise from the ones that work, at least the ones that worked for us. Some, like Curcumin, are also used for cooking, while others are less well known and exotic.
B-YOU contains 9 ingredients, and while all of them are classified as safe, and have few side effects or interactions, we still recommend to not take them if you are pregnant, and consult with your physician before starting to take any supplement.
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